minya governorate artinya
- governorate: kegubernuran
- minya, egypt: minya
- 2017 minya bus attack: serangan minya 2017
- Taha Hussein was born in Izbet el Kilo, a village in the Minya Governorate in central Upper Egypt.
Taha Hussein lahir di Izbet el Kilo, sebuah desa di Kegubernuran Minya di tengah Mesir Hulu. - The three-vehicle convoy was near the village of Adwa in northern Minya Governorate, near the border with Beni Suef Governorate, when it was ambushed on a road to the monastery by 8-10 Arab tribesmen with guns reportedly in military-style uniforms.
Tiga mobil konvoi berada di dekat desa Adwa, sebelah utara Kegubernuran Minya, tak jauh dari garis batas Kegubernuran Beni Suef, ketika disergap di tengah jalan oleh pria bersenjata berjumlah 8 sampai10 orang yang dilaporkan menggunakan baju seragam militer.